This four-week group is based on the American Society of Clinical Oncology’s 2018 pilot program in resilience skills training and Harvard University David S. Rosenthal’s Center for Wellness and Health Promotion Wellbeing Framework.
Resilience is the capacity to respond to stress in a healthy way such that goals are achieved at minimal psychological and physical cost. Resilient individuals bounce back after challenges and can even grow stronger. Resilience is a key to enhancing quality of care, quality of caring, and sustainability of the health care workforce. (Epstein, RM, Krasner, MS. Physician resilience: What it means why it matters, and how to promote it. Acac Med. 2013;88:301-303.)
Each week, we will engage in psychoeducation, discussion, and experiential exercises that will enhance your ability to recognize potential burnout in yourself and colleagues, identify your strengths and weaknesses in eight aspects of wellness, and develop your personal wellness and resilience plan for reducing burnout and compassion fatigue based on the eight-component Wellness Wheel: Physical, Emotional, Relational, Intellectual, Spiritual, Environmental, Vocational, and Financial.
Wellness is the active pursuit of activities, choices and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic health. There are two important aspects to this definition. First, wellness is not a passive or static state but rather an “active pursuit” that is associated with intentions, choices and actions as we work toward an optimal state of health and wellbeing. Second, wellness is linked to holistic health—that is, it extends beyond physical health and incorporates many different dimensions that should work in harmony.
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