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Mobile Resources: Apps

Subscription apps, links, and other content for info on the go.

WFBMC-Specific Mobile Apps

Helpful Apps

Browzine - keep track of your favorite journals and latest research in your specialty. Open via your mobile device, authenticate and you are all set!

Read by QxMD - allows you to browse, read and customize full text papers from the Library's subscription journals on your mobile device. To keep up, annotate, share and organize the latest research,download the mobile version and/or use the web version. Sign up for free and under Account Settings, add your institution by choosing "Institutional Access" then Wake Forest University Manual Login.
Information Graphic

USPSTF Prevention TaskForce - available for Apple and Android devices. This app is helpful for third year residents preparing for Boards as well as medical students in the Family Medicine rotation. The Prevention Task Force application was developed to assist primary care clinicians identify the screening, counseling, and preventive medication services that are appropriate for their patients. 

Library-Licensed Mobile Apps

Activation requires a separate (free) account; easiest to register on-campus using a desktop computer:

  • DynaMedex - Use Advocate Health issued email address (e.g., or to sign up and create a username and password. This resource is not managed by the Library.
  • AccessMedicine - for iPhone and Android - Create a personal account by clicking Wake Forest University in the upper-right corner of the AccessMedicine page, or use AccessMedicine Mobile View.
  • Procedure Videos - app is iPhone/iPad only. Create an account in ClinicalKey and use that to log in. (available offline)
  • Mobile Micromedex - for iPhone and Android via institutional subscription. Passwords for the apps are required to be reset annually and are not based on the date of download or subscription. As a subscriber you will be reminded to update the password. Details here.


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Dianne Johnson, MLIS
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Wake Forest University School of Medicine
Coy C. Carpenter Library

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