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Graduate School of Arts & Sciences-Hawthorne Campus

What is EndNote?

EndNote 21 is now Available!!!

EndNote is a software program for PC or MAC that works with word processor documents (Microsoft Word, Apache OpenOffice, LibreOffice, or Google Docs), to automatically format in-text citations and end-of-paper bibliography lists for your manuscripts with your chosen style (APA, NIH, Vancouver, etc).  

EndNote can also be used as a personal database to gather and store citation records from a variety of information sources. Once developed, libraries can be synchronized between multiple computers, making it easy to collaborate with colleagues.

New to version 21:

  • EndNote 21 can recover your library from the EndNote Cloud and get you back where you belong.
  • The single reference restoration feature introduces the ability to compare and restore previous versions of individual references to correct any accidental mishaps
  • Customizable tags let you organize your references with labels.
  • And CWYW is now available in Google Docs™ via Google Workspace Marketplace.

Visit Clarivate for more details.

EndNote Installation

EndNote logoStudents and employees of Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist (with a Wakehealth email address) may download a copy of the EndNote™21 software to their institutional computers and personal devices.

Choose a tab above to view directions on how to upload this program for your computer type.



[Note:  Atrium users will need to use the PC(personal tab) to install EndNote, since Atrium does not have access to WakeHealth Software Center.]


Using the Software Center (Medical Center assigned computer)

  1.  Go to the Software Center located on your desktop.  If unable to locate, type Software into the Windows search pane  (lower left corner). Choose Software Center App. f you are not located on campus during this install, you may be asked to authenticate.  If asked to choose, select  Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist. Enter your  ‘’ credentials.
  2. Locate and click on the EndNote app. 
  3. Click on the Install button.  Do not power off or reboot the device while installation is running.
  4. Once the program is done installing, the button will change from "Install" to "Uninstall"
  5. Verify that EndNote has been loaded by going to your application list, and locating the EndNote folder in the E-section.  Use the down arrow to access the program file.
  6. This installation loads EndNote 21.4. Administrative rights are NOT required to load this version.
  7. At a future time, EndNote may send out newer updates.  Admin rights ARE required to run all new updates. 
    Contact the HELP desk via the Service Now - Get Help  to have them grant privileges to run any future updates.

Using the Install file on a personal device

Before getting started,  Microsoft Office programs must be closed when running this installer.

  1. Click on this link -> ​zip icon EndNote 21_4 zip 
    If you are not located on campus during this install, you may be asked to authenticate. 
    If asked to choose, select  Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist. Enter your  ‘’ credentials. 

    [Note:  Atrium users installing this file on an institutional computer will need to use your WakeHealth email and also may need to contact your IT support to provide administrative credentials during upload]

  2. Once authenticated, you will be taken to the .ZIP file folder page. (see next step)
  3. Click ‘Download’ from the menu. (down arrow in upper left of the window)

    This next step is very important to follow:
  4. Once the file is downloaded, locate the downloaded file.  it is usually found in the Downloads folder.

    Right-click (Do not double click) the EN21_4 WindowsInstallzip compressed file and select “extract all”,
    Select a destination to save the files and then click extract to open the files.

    [Note:  If you do not extract first, the license file will not be applied during program install. Users should never be asked to put in a license code at any point during the download.  If you do, be sure you are using Right Click as your extract method.  If still having issues, contact the library for additional help. ]

  5. From the extracted files, locate and run the installer file, EN21Inst.msi

  6. Complete the remaining default steps to finish the EndNote setup.


Note: To all patrons using this method to download files. 
This installation loads EndNote 21.4. Administrative rights are NOT required to load this version.

At this time, EndNote has been updated to version 21.4  For institutional computers, Admin rights ARE required to run all future updates. 
Contact the HELP desk via the Service Now - Get Help  to have them grant privileges to run any future updates.


test 21_5



Mac installation

**Close all other applications before running this install file. Other programs cannot be open or the installer will pause until all programs are closed.**

  1. Click on this link-> EndNote 21_4 Mac 
    If you are not located on campus during this install, you may be asked to authenticate.  If asked to choose, select  Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist and then enter your  ‘’ credentials.

  2. Once authenticated, you will be taken to the EndNote21SiteInstaller.dmg download page.
  3. Click the Download arrow [upper right]... or..... Download button [lower right]
  4. Locate the downloaded file in the downloads folder.

  5. Double click on EndNote21SiteInstaller.dmg to download the file, or Right click on file  >  Open

  6. The EndNote Installer frame opens, double click on the Install EndNote 21 icon [middle of installer window]
    [ignore the EndnNote 20 at the top]

  7. You may get a warning message that the app is downloaded from the internet.  Click Open.

  8. Installation frame opens.  Click on Install.

  9. Follow through the default Mac Install Instructions to complete the EndNote setup. 

    NOTE: At one point during the Customizer windows, you may be asked to enter a user name and password, this is the computer credentials, NOT Medical Center credentials.


EndNote opens and displays frame to open an existing library or a new one. 


If this choice does not appear, instead you only see the background image, see next image:

Look at the top of the window, you should see the EndNote menu along top of page.

On menu:
File  >  New, choose file location and name  or
File  >  Open Library [Shared or Recent] to open libraries that exist already.


Support and Training


  • For help and troubleshooting EndNote, contact Kim McBride via Ask Us.
  • Alternatively, contact the Clarivate (EndNote vendor) support line Mon-Fri 9 am to 8 pm EST at
    855-258-5858, choices = 2,1,1

Training - Carpenter Library


Still have questions, see our FAQ page for previous asked questions.

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