EndNote 21 is now Available!!!
EndNote is a software program for PC or MAC that works with word processor documents (Microsoft Word, Apache OpenOffice, LibreOffice, or Google Docs), to automatically format in-text citations and end-of-paper bibliography lists for your manuscripts with your chosen style (APA, NIH, Vancouver, etc).
EndNote can also be used as a personal database to gather and store citation records from a variety of information sources. Once developed, libraries can be synchronized between multiple computers, making it easy to collaborate with colleagues.
New to version 21:
Visit Clarivate for more details.
Students and employees of Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist (with a Wakehealth email address) may download a copy of the EndNote™21 software to their institutional computers and personal devices.
Choose a tab above to view directions on how to upload this program for your computer type.
[Note: Atrium users will need to use the PC(personal tab) to install EndNote, since Atrium does not have access to WakeHealth Software Center.]
Using the Software Center (Medical Center assigned computer)
Using the Install file on a personal device
Before getting started, Microsoft Office programs must be closed when running this installer.
Note: To all patrons using this method to download files.
This installation loads EndNote 21.4. Administrative rights are NOT required to load this version.
At this time, EndNote has been updated to version 21.4 For institutional computers, Admin rights ARE required to run all future updates.
Contact the HELP desk via the Service Now - Get Help to have them grant privileges to run any future updates.
test 21_5
Mac installation
**Close all other applications before running this install file. Other programs cannot be open or the installer will pause until all programs are closed.**
EndNote opens and displays frame to open an existing library or a new one.
If this choice does not appear, instead you only see the background image, see next image:
Look at the top of the window, you should see the EndNote menu along top of page.
On menu:
File > New, choose file location and name or
File > Open Library [Shared or Recent] to open libraries that exist already.
Training - Carpenter Library
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