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Webinar Series: Using Altmetric Data for Institutional and Individual Impact Assessment

Gathering reliable data on the broader engagement and reach of your research can be a challenging and time-consuming process. Altmetric provides data and tools that enable you to monitor, in real-time, where research is being talked about online as soon as it’s published. Join Carpenter Library and Altmetric experts for a practical overview of how Altmetrics data can help you showcase academic engagement, demonstrate how your research is influencing policy, and highlight where your research is attracting public engagement. These sessions will feature actionable insights for CTSI and researchers at Wake Forest.

To ensure you get the most out of these webinars, we highly recommend watching a brief video covering the fundamentals of Altmetrics, prior to the webinar sessions. Getting Started with Altmetric Explorer

Webinar Series: 

Using Altmetric Data to Benchmark Wake Forest Against Peer Organizations- Watch Now 30min

Using Altmetric Data to Measure the Impact of CTSI research on the Community- Watch Now 30min

Altmetrics in the NIH Biosketch: Demonstrate the Reach and Influence of Your Research- Watch Now 60min

2023 On-demand Webinars

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Brandy Hardy
Wake Forest School of Medicine
Coy C. Carpenter Library

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