Level 1 (basic/preliminary literature search)
- Interview/meet to discuss topic
- Develop strategy and deliver results for PubMed and other databases
- Provide strategy as needed
- Provide full text assistance
- Medical literature search form
Level 2 (review article help) Level 1 plus:
- Meet to refine topic
- Offer general guidance with systematic review process and timetable
- Develop complex, comprehensive PubMed search strategy, using controlled vocabulary and keywords, to maximize results
- Recommend additional databases to extend the search
- Advise on citation management
- Advise on systematic review software
- Advise on standards for systematic reviews (PRISMA, IOM, Cochrane)
- Librarian acknowledgment
- Types of reviews
Level 3 (full systematic review) Levels 1 and 2 plus:
- What is a systematic review?
- Collaborate with systematic review team throughout the project
- Identify existing systematic reviews on the topic (PROSPERO, Cochrane)
- Participate in protocol preparation and registration
- Help set up PRISMA flowchart
- Create reproducible and publishable search strategy
- Translate search for additional databases
- Remove duplicate references from multiple databases
- Deliver citations in preferred format
- Maintain records of result counts
- Advise on searching the grey literature and/or hand-searching
- Write search methods section
- Oversee citation management
- Update search at one year
- Assist with revision of final draft
- Librarian co-authorship is required at this level