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Library Policies


The Carpenter Library accepts gifts of books and non-print materials if they meet the following criteria:

They are current (published within the last five years).
They directly support the curriculum of the medical school or the research goals of the Medical Center or the clinical needs of the North Carolina Baptist Hospitals, Inc.
They are related to the general history of medicine or the specific history of the WFU Medical Center.
The materials are not worn or damaged.
The materials do not duplicate what is already in the collection.

Gifts are accepted with the understanding that the Library will make all decisions as to their retention and that the Library can dispose of them as it deems necessary.

The Library will provide a formal letter of acknowledgement on request, but it is prohibited by law from providing tax appraisals for gifts. IRS regulations require that all donations be accompanied by a qualified appraisal and itemized list if the donor wishes to request a tax deduction. If you wish to take a deduction, please see Instructions for IRS Form 8283 for more information.

Donors are encouraged to call or email us prior to making a donation so that the need for the material can be determined. 

Calls and emails should be directed to:

Court Duvall 336-716-4686 for books, journals, and other materials

If you are interested in helping support the Library, we encourage you to think of making a monetary gift. Such gifts enable us to purchase special items or equipment that are beyond our means. Financial contributions can be earmarked for the Carpenter Library by contacting the WFBH Office of Philanthropy and Alumni Relations.

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